Best Mattress for Airbnb 2022

6 Ways to Make your Mattress Last Longer

Although the durability of your mattress will depend on factors such as its density and material, how well you care for it can have a significant impact on the life expectancy. This is a good thing because you can get the most out of every dollar you spend on your product with just a little effort every day.

Although air beds require some unique maintenance tips and tricks due to their nature, you should still follow the general guidelines regardless of which product you purchase. These include:

airbnb mattress recommendation

You should use a mattress protector that is waterproof. This will protect you against accidental spillages as well as from bedwetting. The problem with liquid infiltration into a mattress is that it can saturate the product.

Mattresses are no different. Spilled milk isn't something to be cried about. Once the damage has been done, there's nothing you can do. These are just a few of the many negative side effects that spills can have on your mattress.

  • Quicker degradation of materials
  • Mold and mildew development
  • The development of unpleasant odors

In addition to protecting the mattress from accidental spillages, mattress protectors can keep skin cells, sweat, and dust mites out of the product, which will extend its life expectancy.

airbnb mattress recommendation
best mattress airbnb

best mattress airbnb

Be sure to take steps to prevent bed bugs. While we do not want to get these nasty creatures, it is easy to overlook the ways in which they can easily be caught. Be sure to check your bedding and mattress when you're away from home. They can be a problem if they aren't careful. It is worth researching how to eliminate bed bugs. You might also consider buying a bug-proof mattress case. The Environmental Protection Agency provides some tips on how to identify bed bugs.

  • Red stains on sheets (squished bedbugs)
  • Small, dark dots (excrement)
  • Prevalence of small, pale-yellow eggshells
  • Live bugs

best mattress for airbnb rental

Your bed frame should be inspected regularly. To ensure that your bed is healthy and strong, you should inspect it every few years.

  • Weak wood slats
  • Excessive separations between slats
  • Broken slats
  • Sagging or otherwise worn boxsprings

best mattress for airbnb rental
airbnb mattress protector

airbnb mattress protector

You need to understand your warranty. This can help increase durability in case of any problems. You will also find helpful tips and tricks in your warranty to improve the product's longevity.

airbnb mattress reviews

Clean your sheets. Your sheets are not only a mattress protector but also protect your product. Because bedding is usually not very thick, it absorbs sweat and other bodily fluids. You should wash your bedding at the most once in two weeks. You can also clean your mattress' surface if it has a removable cover. Vacuuming the mattress can help extend its life expectancy, even if it has a protector. You can reduce the moisture and odors by adding baking soda to the surface. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before vacuuming. These instructions should be used approximately once a month.

airbnb mattress reviews